Last week Facebook made history. After collecting data about its users for years, Facebook turned to designer
Nicholas Felton�who decided it was time to take that data to the next level and visualize it ? and the�
Timeline was born. But what about what?s going on with the rest of the world, and not just my friends... why doesn?t Facebook have timelines for that? We'll answer that in a minute, but first, why does it even matter? �For the same reason you are reading this article, people like to stay up to date on a wide spectrum of information?social, topical, local, national, global?and we all hate to miss an important new story. With information so readily accessible we feel obligated to process more information than ever before. Facebook is pioneering the way we get information about our friends, but unfortunately, the tools for the rest of the world?s news haven?t yet caught up.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/7g5fDl4W6vM/
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