Monday, 10 October 2011

How Zerofootprint Uses Data To Make Schools Greener

4475295872_b5d5d495f7The word "green" is tossed around a lot as a catchall term to describe sustainable or environmentally friendly projects, businesses, energy, and more. Green construction and architecture, for one, are proliferating across the world, but when it comes to gauging how "green" a building is, for example, one finds that there are more than a few standards by which to determine its efficiency and sustainability. Enter Toronto-based Zerofootprint: A cleantech software and services company, which is leveraging competitive benchmarking between peers to help determine the "green" factor for any given building. Ron Dembo, the founder of Zerofootprint, contends that, if you want to motivate developers to improve the efficiency of a building, one can't simply benchmark against everyone else, because each community has a different climate. Thus, the founder says that Zerofootprint aims to focus on benchmarking buildings against other buildings within a community to achieve maximum community efficiency.


Mia Kirshner Mía Maestro Michael Michele Michelle Behennah

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